Since this month is spooky month the Midnight Twist Begonia helps give that witchy look to your home to prepare for the season. It also, in the spring, will emerge pink flowers. This plant grows best in full sun, partial shade, even moisture, and sporadic watering. An excellent choice if you're looking for something that can withstand both heat and humidity. The best part about this plant is that we have some in stock! Come get one while we have them!
The shiny, thick, leathery leaves are widely divided into portions with three lobes. An excellent vertical accent for partial shade or the sun. All part of this beautiful plant are very poisonous, so use caution!
The evergreen perennial cactus or succulent Bulbine frutescens has green leaves but yellow and orange blossoms appear in the spring and summer. It is a great addition to pollinator gardens since it draws hummingbirds and bees. It thrives under regular, low watering and sun-dappled shade. These plants are beautiful and if you want one, we have them!
Since this month is the month of November, the plant we picked had some of those pretty fall colors that also looks perfect in spring! In all seasons this plant will have apricot flowers emerge! It also attracts bees and hummingbirds (which you can watch them come up to your house!!). This plant grows well in sun but mostly shade and the occasional watering.
Amaryllis have pink blossoms appear in the fall and has a green, shiny texture. A great addition to pollinator gardens, it draws hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. It also grows well in high- to low-water conditions and primarily in the sun. We also have an Amaryllis talk coming up on December 8th! We hope to see you guys there!!
The Pilea Peperomioides also called the "Money Plant" is perfect for the month of December due to the fact for New Years since people in the new year want prosperity and money! This plant does well in partial sun exposure and well-drained soil. It blooms in the spring, so it is perfect to get one now! Once the leaves dry, they look white and shiny (like money)! We also make custom wreaths with the money plant in it!! If you want a custom wreath, send us a message!
The broadleaf evergreen tree Eucalyptus peruviana grows quickly and has blue leaves. It is a great addition to pollinator gardens since it attracts bees, thrives on sunlight, and needs sporadic watering. Once planted, it can withstand drought. It prefers summer weather that is dry and adapts to different types of soil. It thrives in soil that is slender and well-drained. An excellent choice if you're looking for something that can withstand wind, heat, and verticillium wilt.
This crazy South African shrub is the perfect way to add some fall and winter excitement to any garden! This easy-to-grow wonder bears hundreds of upright cobalt blue "Witches' Hats" from fall to spring and is robust and sturdy. The 4" closely packed spikes, which are prominently shown at the tips of branches, open from the bottom to form the fantastic brim. When in blossom, this evergreen with glossy, heart-shaped leaves is a truly amazing sight. We just got some in so get one for $10 while they last!
The broadleaf evergreen perennial Streptocarpus saxorum has green leaves. Blue and purple blooms appear in the fall and spring and summer and has a fuzzy feel. It thrives when given regular watering and bright shade and it thrives on soil that is well-drained and ordinary.
Hardy perennials, Viola odorata grows between 10 and 20 cm (4 and 8 inches) tall. They have fragrant violet, purple, or white blossoms on stems from winter through April. Heart-shaped leaves make up the foliage. Viola odorata is commonly known as Sweet Violet. Partial shade or full sun (cold places). soil that is deeply damp. pH 5.5 to 7 is neutral to slightly acidic. Rotten manure is added to rich soil. watering on a regular basis. fertilizer in liquid form at the start of spring. Mulch. As soon as flowering is finished, cut back to the ground. Propagate: by splitting early in the spring.
In its native India and Southeast Asia, this plant grows happily to a height of five feet and has a shrubby appearance; in the US, it can reach a comparable height. To shape, prune. In Hawaii, this jasmine is also called pikake. ostentatious and incredibly fragrant. Why Plant Jasmine? Small flowers are produced in a constellation by jasmine bushes. The aroma of jasmine is energizing and delightfully fragrant. Vining jasmine, when grown through a trellis, is a great way to hide unsightly vistas. The jasmines here are fragrant, although not all varieties are. To get the most out of the scent, plant close to where you walk or unwind.
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